who we are

Raise the Bar Initiative is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for girls and women to develop physical, mental, and emotional strength through weight training and community relationship building. 

We are more than strength training coaches.
We are in the community serving those that need us most. 
We educate girls on how to prioritize their health and wellbeing.
We teach women foundational movements that will serve them their entire lives.
We don’t just build muscle. We build resilience. We build self-worth. 
Because strong in all forms is beautiful.

Our Purpose

Woman Empowerment Activities Des Moines

Being a woman powerlifter is almost an anomaly. The co-founders of RBI first hand have seen the positive impact strength training has on women and the many women they have worked with. Physically they are stronger, but also their confidence soars in all aspects of their life. 

We understand that the gym is an intimidating space often dominated by men. Add in the fact women can feel lost and do not know what to do, it can be crippling. It is our mission to change how women feel by creating a welcoming space.

First, we bring women into the gym — a real gym where they belong. We welcome them in a safe environment where everyone understands their vulnerability and we celebrate their courage for showing up — because we’re doing it together. 

In the gym, we teach women what they need to know to strength train safely and confidently so they know what is right for their body, where they are at in their fitness journey and for their goals. When the session is over, it’s our goal that they walk out proud of themselves for taking the first step to learning more about how strength training can positively impact their life, and they know if they took this step one time, they can do it again. 

we all have stuff we need to accomplish in this life.

Raise the Bar Initiative is about equipping you with the knowledge and power to make it happen.


First, the physical. Strength training is important as a woman for bone health, for balance, to retain the ability to squat because we start losing muscle mass starting in our 30’s and no one wants to come to their 60’s unable to stand up from a seat on their own.


Second, the mental shift. It is hard to explain, but once you do it, you will feel it. You will take up space in the world and improve your confidence.


Third, we wanted a bigger community, and to help people. We want women to feel better in every way possible. We wanted other women to have what we had.

Raise The Bar Initiative For Women At The Gym

Our Mission

To educate and provide opportunities for every woman to develop strength

We do this by creating experiences that support physical, mental, and emotional well-being

Strong women build strong communities

Belonging, Education, Empowerment, Service

“the barbell club helped me gain a better mindset.”

Female Power Lifter Des Moines
Raise The Bar Initiative For Woman At The Gym

“It caused me to realize how strong I was in all aspects of my life.”

“i can’t even begin to describe how empowering it is for me to see my daughter trust and take pride in the capabilities of her mind and body.”

Strength And Agility Training For Youth Near Me

Executive Director + co founder

Abbie Mork

Chief operations officer

Rachelle Little

Meet the Board

  • Melissa Veenstra


  • Ivy Sprague

    Vice President

  • Helen Adams


  • Yashodha Gould


  • Sarah Otte

    Sarah Otte


  • Ashley Artzer

    Member At-Large

  • Stacey Robles

    Member At-Large

  • DeMarco Lowery

    Member At-Large

  • Kari Stone

    Member At-Large

  • Meddy Paulus

    Member At-Large


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